Source code for fsc.hdf5_io._simple_mapping

Implements a base class for serializing a given list of attributes of an object.

from fsc.export import export

from ._base_classes import HDF5Enabled
from ._save_load import to_hdf5 as _global_to_hdf5, from_hdf5 as _global_from_hdf5

[docs]@export class SimpleHDF5Mapping(HDF5Enabled): """ Base class for data classes which simply map their member to HDF5 values / groups. The child class needs to define a list ``HDF5_ATTRIBUTES`` of attributes which should be serialized. The name of the attributes must correspond to the name accepted by the constructor. """ HDF5_ATTRIBUTES = () HDF5_OPTIONAL = ()
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, hdf5_handle): kwargs = dict() for key in cls.HDF5_ATTRIBUTES: try: hdf5_obj = hdf5_handle[key] except KeyError: if key in cls.HDF5_OPTIONAL: continue raise try: kwargs[key] = hdf5_obj[()] except AttributeError: kwargs[key] = _global_from_hdf5(hdf5_obj) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, hdf5_handle): for key in self.HDF5_ATTRIBUTES: try: value = getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: if key in self.HDF5_OPTIONAL: continue raise try: hdf5_handle[key] = value except TypeError: _global_to_hdf5(value, hdf5_handle.create_group(key))